Where domestic skills + creativity meet, tempered with a dose of procrastination.

Posts tagged ‘New Year resolutions’

2015 – Starts and Finishes

The curse of the unexpected closing of a window and loss of the unsaved draft! There was a much more elegant start to this post but I suddenly lost it. Perhaps that’s for the best.

Anyway, before January is through I am outlining some areas to focus on. Work, Finances, Health, Writing (which includes finishing a certificate course that’s job related and more blogging). Then there’s the hobby areas – Music, Gardening, Sewing (crafty stuff). Seven sounded like a good number. But then I thought, what about God? Whoops. Forgot God. After all, it can be argued that all of the other categories don’t exist without heavenly input from above, so to speak. Ok, stick God in the list, not at the bottom though, that doesn’t seem right, better move that one up the list. That makes eight.

And resolutions? To finish what I start. Over Christmas in the family home I was struck by how many little projects I had begun as a child but not completed.  As this is a chronic condition that has plagued me as an adult and begun in childhood, to have some great endings, not just great beginnings, would be a welcome change.

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